All of our Blog Posts

The Poetry School / Pighog Poetry Pamphlet Competition 2013-14
Following the success of last year’s competition, we are delighted to present the second Poetry School / Pighog Poetry Pamphlet Competition. First Prize: Publication by Pighog Press and 40 copies of the pamphlet 4 Runners up: a free place on a Poetry School activity Judges: Simon Barraclough and Catherine Smith Closing date for initial entries:…
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Penned in the Margins Quadruple Launch
Before I had a wider understanding of poetry publishing houses in the UK, Penned in the Margins was my portal into the small press poetry world. Now that my tunnel vision has widened somewhat, I’m still consistently surprised and intrigued by their catalogue, so it was a pleasure to be introduced to their latest books in…
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Best Friends Forever: call for submissions
Best Friends Forever (BFF) is a new anthology of poems on female friendship edited by Amy Key, to be published by The Emma Press. This new anthology aims to reflect the scale of intensity within female friendships – the intimate and the casual, the life sustaining and the life changing, as well as the tensions…
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Poems on the Hebrew Bible
An Interview with
Eve Grubin’s new one-day workshop – Poems on the Hebrew Bible – draws attention to one of the most influential books of all time, by way of Milton, Keats, Robert Frost, Sharon Olds, and countless other poets it has inspired. With the use of translations, Eve will be peering under the mantle of this classic holy…
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The 100 poems challenge
What is it about being a poet that makes challenges so attractive? Many questioned my sanity when, inspired by Tim Clare, I decided to take part in a challenge to write 100 poems in a day. Tim Clare is a dab hand at this, having participated in the challenge for the last five years. In the…
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Open Workshop with Richie McCaffery: ‘Treasuring the priceless pearl’
We’re delighted to have Richie McCaffery, one of our Aldeburgh highlights, teaching the next of our Open Workshops series: ‘Treasuring the priceless pearl’ or ‘not your dear last master’? : Using inheritances and heirlooms to form poems For this assignment, you will explore the ‘inner eloquence’ of the items we inherit, using heirlooms and objects…
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Poetry Library 60th Birthday Party Readings
“I hope you’re in a cream fondant sort of mood”, said Annie Freud, reflecting on sixty years of the one of the world’s most extensive poetry resources. And we couldn’t fail to be, as the occasion of the Poetry Library’s 60th birthday presented us with a formidable poetic banquet. The night opened with six commissioned…
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Live Q&A with W. N. Herbert: ‘Wish I Was Here: When Is The Poet Present?’
W. N. Herbert – poet, critic and Dundee’s first ever makar (that’s ‘bard’ to you or I) – is coming to CAMPUS Live Q&A’s this Friday 6 December. Bill is the author of one of our favourite poetry books of the year – the mind-melting/melding future classic, Omnesia (available from Bloodaxe in glorious twin editions)….
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Tidemarks and Tidelines
Fawzia Kane’s new course Tidemarks and Timelines – a poetic investigation into shifting riverbanks, waxing coastlines and the tidal time-marks of history – starts this January at the Poetry School. Fawzia’s Dark Sparks course from last year was enchanting – students wrote by lamplight, kept haiku diaries, watched the sun set over Tower Bridge, visited…
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Reviews as a creative act
Does reviewing feed into your writing? This is one of the questions I, and other poet-reviewers, hear most frequently. Well firstly, I feel that I need to add the following disclaimer: I’ve been heavily reducing my own reviewing of late, mostly as an act of self-preservation. I reserve my reviewing energy for other magazines than…
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Live Q&A with Pascale Petit and Claire Trévien: ‘Transforming Trauma into Poetry’
Poetry School co-founder, Pascale Petit, will be online this Friday (22 Nov) to discuss the topic of ‘Transforming Trauma into Poetry’. And we need your questions! Pascale is particularly interested to hear questions about her collections The Zoo Father and What the Water Gave Me: Poems after Frida Kahlo, and her upcoming book Fauverie (due Autumn…
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Lo-fi poetry: a best-of
In a recent interview with Helen Ivory, we discussed the new dawn of lo-fi poetry: zines that embrace their low-budgets, a preference for the hand-crafted over the sleek. Helen came up with this wonderful summary of the situation: ‘because of Kindle, books will generally become more beautiful as objects and be valued as such, rather…
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Why We Built CAMPUS: A Foreword from our Director
With the launch of the CAMPUS blog, I’m delighted that we can now open up the Poetry School’s CAMPUS social network for public registration. CAMPUS is an online platform that incorporates the Poetry School’s tutor-led educational activity (online courses and workshops) and many free activities (digital poets in residence, live Q&A’s, video essays) within a…
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Live Q&A with Emily Berry – call for questions
The very talented and very wonderful Emily Berry will be online Friday 15 November 2013 at 1pm to answer your questions. Places are limited, so if you’d like to participate in this live Q&A with Emily and/or submit a question, please email [email protected]. Emily’s first book, Dear Boy, is one of the most lauded debut collections in recent times,…
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The Weird Transformists
The weird transformists apply the New Weird to poetry but are not restricted to sci-fi topics. The weird transformists do not see the poem as a fixed object but one that can be manipulated in a multiplicity of ways. The weird transformists know each poem has a different way of telling the time, which might…
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Meet our Digital-Poet-in-Residence: an interview with Claire Trévien
An Interview with Claire Trévien
We first discovered Claire’s work through her excellent first collection, The Shipwrecked House (recently nominated for this year’s Guardian First Book Award), a freewheeling, sea-soaked reel of a book that’s as sharp as a scrimshaw knife. Claire is also the editor of Sabotage Reviews and co-editor/creator of Verse Kraken. So, naturally, we invited Claire to…
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Welcome to the CAMPUS blog, a new online space for poetry
The CAMPUS blog is a new home for independent voices, open to all CAMPUS members and non-members, exclusively dedicated to the discussion, support and creative development of poetry. If CAMPUS is the virtual common room where poets can connect and collaborate, then the CAMPUS blog is its public broadcast station. It is totally unrestricted, and…
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Two poems by Catherine Wagner
Poet Catherine Wagner reads two poems from her 2004 book Macular Hole as part of her performance in the UMaine New Writing Series on February 4, 2010. Clip contains some graphic language. A full event report can be read here
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