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All about our teaching poets

We have probably the largest faculty of poet tutors in the world. This allows us to offer a huge range of expertise in poetic technique, inspiration and feedback. Each tutor brings their own skills and experience to benefit your poetic learning.

Our tutors are all practicing, professional poets with a wide range of experience in publishing, criticism, reviewing, editing, performing and event producing. We delight in their writing, but we also invite them to teach at the Poetry School out of great respect for their teaching skills and specialisms. Each term our roster of tutors changes, but we always ensure a balanced mix of our most experienced favourites, exciting new talent and special guests. At the end of each course, our teaching is evaluated by our students and survey data from consistently ranks our overall teaching quality at an average of 5 out of 5.

Current faculty

Our faculty changes and grows, term on term. Some poets teach several courses per term and have become regular fixtures, others drop in every now and then for the occasional workshop or short course. The best way to find out about our current line-up is to check our courses page (tutor bios can be found on course pages just after the course descriptions).

Meantime here’s the faculty (past and present) from 2013 onwards:

A: Sascha Akhtar ~ Astrid Alben ~ Rachael Allen ~ Gillian Allnutt ~ Nuar Alsadir ~ Moniza Alvi ~ Anthony Anaxagorou ~ Romalyn Ante ~ Raymond Antrobus ~ Mona Arshi ~ Claire Askew ~ Jean Atkin ~ Dean Atta

B: Elaine Baker ~ Ros Barber ~ Laura Barnicoat ~ Khairani Barokka ~ Simon Barraclough ~ Liam Bates ~ Victoria Bean ~ Zeina Hashem Beck ~ Dzifa Benson ~ Fiona Benson ~ Tara Bergin ~ Eric Berlin ~ Jay Bernard ~ Emily Berry ~ Liz Berry ~ Sunayana Bhargava ~ Julia Bird ~ Linda Black ~ AK Blakemore ~ Paula Bohince ~ Leonardo Boix ~ Malika Booker ~ Siddhartha Bose ~ Penny Boxall ~ Patrick Brandon ~ James Brookes ~ Andy Brown ~ Judy Brown ~ Victoria Adukwei Bulley ~ Lewis Buxton ~ Elena Karina Byrne ~ James Byrne ~ Sarah Byrne

C: David Caddy ~ Helen Calcutt ~ Matthew Caley ~ Jen Calleja ~ Holly Corfield Carr ~ Srishti Krishnamoorthy-Cavell ~ John Challis ~ Mary Jean Chan  ~ Jess Chandler ~ Helen Charman ~ Chen Chen ~ Kayo Chingonyi ~ Tom Chivers ~ Maya Chowdhry ~ David Clarke ~ John Wedgwood Clarke ~ John Clegg ~ Nicola Collett ~ Iris Colomb ~ Joey Connolly ~ Suzanne Conway ~ Carolyn Jess-Cooke ~ Sarah Corbett ~ Philip Cowell ~ Ellen Cranitch ~ Adam Crothers ~ Claire Crowther ~ Martyn Crucefix  ~ David Crystal ~ Tim Cumming ~ Jade Cuttle

D: Miriam Darlington ~ Rishi Dastidar ~ James Davies ~ Gloria Dawson ~ Nichola Deane ~ Robert Vas Dias ~ Isobel Dixon ~ Kat Dixon ~ Ed Doegar ~ Tim Dooley ~ Tishani Doshi ~ Jane Draycott ~ Sasha Dugdale ~ Anthony Dunn ~ Joe Dunthorne

E: Glyn Edwards ~ Jonathan Edwards ~ Inua Ellams ~ Daniel Eltringham ~ Steve Ely ~ Carrie Etter ~ Rowan Evans ~ Suzannah Evans

F: Graham Fawcett ~ Adam Feinstein ~ Caleb Femi ~ Nick Field ~ Annie Finch ~ Sarah Fletcher ~ Sally Flint ~ Andrew Forster ~ S J Fowler ~ Angela France

G: Harry Josephine Giles ~ Keiran Goddard ~ Rebecca Goss ~ Remi Graves ~ Kathryn Gray ~ John Greening ~ Linda Gregerson ~ Philip Gross ~ Eve Grubin

H: Sophie Herxheimer ~ Sarah Hesketh ~ Seán Hewitt ~ Jodie Hollander ~ Holly Hopkins ~ Melissa Lee-Houghton ~ Sarah Howe ~ Peter Hughes ~ Nasser Hussain ~ Ishion Hutchinson

I: Helen Ivory

J: A B Jackson ~ Andrew Jamison ~ Keith Jarrett ~ Anthony Joseph

K: Elaine Kahn ~ Fawzia Kane ~ Alice Kavounas ~ Victoria Kennefick ~ Sean Wai Keung ~ Mimi Khalvati ~ Martin Kratz ~ Zaffar Kunial

L: Elżbieta Wójcik-Leese ~ Lucy Lepchani ~ Rebecca Levi ~ Phillis Levin ~ Ali Lewis ~ Ira Lightman ~ Fran Lock ~ Theresa Lola ~ Rachel Long ~ Adam Lowe ~ Hannah Lowe ~ Ed Luker ~ Carola Luther ~ Alice Lyons

M: Alex MacDonald ~ MacGillivray ~ Nick Makoha ~ Bill Manhire ~ Kathryn Maris ~ Carmina Masoliver ~ Lisa Matthews ~ Glyn Maxwell ~ Chris McCabe ~ Richie McCaffery ~ John McCullough ~ Roy McFarlane ~ Andrew McMillan ~ Isabella Mead ~ Momtaza Mehri  ~ Lucy Mercer  ~ Dante Micheaux ~ Joan Michelson ~ Cynthia Miller ~ Bridget Minamore ~ Kim Moore ~ David Morley ~ Helen Mort ~ Cheryl Moskowitz ~ Grug Muse

N: Beverley Nadin ~ Daljit Nagra ~ Katrina Naomi ~ Miriam Nash

O: Richard O’Brien ~ Sean O’Brien ~ Jennie Osborne ~ Richard Osmond ~ Kathleen Ossip

P: Ruth Padel ~ Mark Pajak ~ Abi Palmer ~ Alvin Pang ~ Abbi Parcell ~ Elizabeth Parker ~ Lewis Parker ~ Nii Ayikwei Parkes ~ Caleb Parkin ~ Abigail Parry ~ Holly Pester ~ Pascale Petit ~ Mario Petrucci ~ Andrew Philip ~ Michał Kamil Piotrowski ~ Stav Poleg ~ Clare Pollard ~ Jacob Polley ~ Kate Potts ~ Phoebe Power ~ Edmund Prestwich ~ Richard Price ~ Meryl Pugh

Q: Shazea Quraishi

R: Camille Ralphs ~ Eleanor Rees ~ Lynne Rees ~ Rhonda Rhiannon ~ Maurice Riordan ~ Anna Robinson ~ Roger Robinson ~ Jacqui Rowe

S: Amaal Said ~ Fiona Sampson ~ Ann Sansom ~ Peter Sansom ~ Jacqueline Saphra ~ Denise Saul ~ Tristram Fane Saunders ~ Michael Schmidt ~ Myra Schneider ~ Laura Scott ~ Richard Scott ~ Sophie Seita ~ Anna Selby ~ Gemma Seltzer ~ Clare Shaw ~ Rosie Shepperd ~ Warsan Shire ~ Vik Shirley ~ Penelope Shuttle ~ Kathryn Simmonds ~ Zoe Skoulding ~ Catherine Smith ~ Wayne Holloway-Smith ~ Yomi Sode ~ Saradha Soobrayen ~ Matti Spence  ~ Jean Sprackland ~ Martha Sprackland ~ Julian Stannard ~ Paul Stephenson ~ Greta Stoddart ~ Degna Stone ~ Liane Strauss ~ Alicia Stubbersfield ~ Agnieszka Studzinska ~ Cherry Styles ~ Niall O Sullivan ~ Ross Sutherland ~ Kelley Swain ~ George Szirtes

T: David Tait ~ Rebecca Tamás ~ Christina Thatcher ~ Roisin Tierney ~ Jeremy Noel-Tod ~ Elizabeth Torres ~ Claire Trévien ~ Rhys Trimble ~ Julian Turner

U: Leah Umansky ~ Jack Underwood

V: Anna Veprinska ~ R A Villanueva

W: Jeffrey Wainwright ~ Mark Waldron ~ Kandace Siobhan Walker ~ Samantha Walton ~ Ahren Warner ~ Rebecca Watts ~ Andrew Wells ~ Matthew Welton ~ Jérémie Wenger ~ Karen Whiteson ~ Natalie Whittaker ~ Susan Wicks ~ Ben Wilkinson ~ Chrissy Williams ~ Eley Williams ~ Heidi Williamson ~ Ryan Van Winkle ~ Becky Varley-Winter ~ Jennifer Wong ~ Cat Woodward ~ Karen McCarthy Woolf ~ Patrick Wright

Y: Jane Yeh ~ Tamar Yoseloff

Z: Natasha Hakimi Zapata ~ Belinda Zhawi

Where are our tutors based?

Based in the UK and internationally, our tutors work with us in our London, Leeds, Manchester, Bristol and Exeter classrooms, as well as our Online Courses via CAMPUS. If you’re interested in knowing which of our regular tutors is based near you, please email us on [email protected].

Teach for us

We welcome new faces and new ideas! If you are a practicing poet with teaching experience (even if it’s basic) and you would like to submit a proposal to us for a workshop or course, please email [email protected].

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