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Summer 2025 – Quick Course Guide

Poetry School Quick Course Guide for Summer 2025 Term

Our Summer Term is now live! We have a whole host of brilliant tutors and poetry courses ready for you to pick from and, as they tend to sell out really fast, we’ve made this Summer 2025 Quick Course Guide to help guide you to the right course!

Online Courses


Online courses without Live Chats, suitable for students in all time zones

Get into seriously playful poetic forms at the experimental edge.

Writing in response; capturing the life of poetry, in poetry.

Join the great poetic conversation and think about how to steal, allude, translate, remix, modernise, and answer back.

Explore the possibilities of visual poetry by engaging with the work of some of the most exciting visual poets of all time.

‘Talking to me?!’ Unravelling speakers, readers, poets, and their addressees.


Transcend culture, languages, and genres to write poems and translations in response to wide readings.

Kinetic poetics, shifts and what they might reveal.

Current Latin American poetry – an invitation to resistance.

French Poetry in the time of Revolt.


Advanced and in-depth poetry courses focusing on craft and theory

Locating the liminal in conceptual emulsion – poetics at the unfathomable edge.

Get innovative with lyrical essays, poethics, and manifesti.

Crafting connection – poetic body meets world.


Receive thoughtful critiques of 5 poems from your peers and an esteemed tutor

Knock loose poems into shape with some concentrated feedback from poet, teacher, and children’s writer, Penny Boxall.


Short, intensive poetry courses focusing on writing and inspiration

A new tool for a very fresh form – get to grips with the golden shovel.

Writing the Pleasure of Observation, Commentary, and Awe.

‘Doesn’t sound like no sonnet, my lord’.

Close reading the word and the world.



Explore the poetic connections between food, family, love, and legacy

Spark your creativity and take your first steps into the world of poetry!

Join a supportive community for close reading and developmental feedback on your new poems!


Peek at queerness out the corner of your eye and learn to write into your subconscious.

Unsticking a stuck poet.

Explore and experiment with your voice as an instrument to develop new forms of embodied writing and performance.

Fear and fantasy – exploring the wonder of Spielberg’s Jaws.


Our flagship weekly workshop groups where you’ll find thoughtful critique and a welcoming poetry community.

These 3-term courses are currently in a Priority Booking period, meaning they are only available to students continuing from the previous term. We will open any remaining spaces to new students on 17 March 2025. If you would like to be added to the waiting list for this, please email [email protected].

Develop your writing through discussion and feedback in this advanced workshop with Anthony Anaxagorou.

Mix up your writing and learn new skills and techniques with Jacqueline Saphra.

Challenge yourself, elevate your writing, and take the next steps in your poetry career.

An exciting, advanced workshop group with the innovative Astrid Alben.

Bring your writing to the next level and explore contemporary poetry’s cutting-edge.

An exciting new advanced workshop group with the much-loved Rachel Long and the benefit of special guest tutors each term.

Our long-running weekly workshop with Tim Dooley, for poets looking to develop their individual voice and technique.

An advanced weekly workshop group with the inimitable Mark Waldron.

How can we write poetry through times of ecological emergency, perpetual war, or personal crises?

Join this group for close discussion of your writing with acclaimed poet, Richard Price.

A weekly workshop for developing poets looking to improve their writing through feedback and close reading.

Monthly all-day Saturday workshops with Kathryn Simmonds.

If you’d like to read more, please visit our Courses page. If you need any information on concessions or bursaries, please have a look through our Financial Support page or send an email to [email protected]. Happy booking!

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