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‘You’ by Amelia Loulli – Primers Shortlist 2018


You came in the night       put your hands around her cheeks
and yanked her     from my nipple    or   if You didn’t    You stole
all the food     fed Yourself     on the bread I baked
that afternoon        grew bigger    or  if not      You hid    in the corners
stealing glances   of moments You called mistakes    warned would ruin
made me shiver   or    if that wasn’t You       You were somewhere all the time
getting closer until    in the end      I could hear You whisper    feel my hair
parting for Your breath     and when You came to face us   I wouldn’t say
You were black   shadow    more the sharp winter light    stabbing
through the windscreen   on an early morning drive     sending me
swerving    burning   my eyes

Amelia Loulli is on the ten-person shortlist for Primers Volume Four. ‘You’ is taken from her shortlisted manuscript, Mother, Mother. We’ll be showcasing the work of all the shortlisted writers over the next week, so check back to read more poems.

Amelia Loulli lives in Cumbria with her three children and an undisclosed, but significantly large, number of books. Her poetry has been shortlisted for the Bridport Prize in 2016 & 2017, and last year she was shortlisted for Primers Volume Three.

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