
Pub Chats: Two Rivers Press
An Interview with Two Rivers Press
In the latest of our series of feature-length interviews with independent publishers, set in our imaginary poetry theatre pub somewhere in Lambeth, we spoke to Peter Robinson of Two Rivers Press…
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Pub Chats: Longbarrow Press
An Interview with Longbarrow Press
In the latest of our series of feature-length interviews with independent publishers, set in our imaginary poetry theatre pub somewhere in Lambeth, we shared a pint with Brian Lewis of Longbarrow Press… Hello there! What are you drinking? Brian: A pint of Easy Rider (courtesy of Sheffield’s Kelham Island brewery). How long has Longbarrow Press been running? Brian: We launched…
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The Poet’s Book: an interview with Lavinia Singer and Anna Robinson
An Interview with Lavinia Singer & Anna Robinson
We interviewed Anna Robinson and Lavinia Singer about their new Poetry School course, The Poet’s Book. Hi Anna! Hi Lavinia! How are you? And what are you both up to? Anna: I am well thanks! I teach writing to students at UEL, at Barking library and to prisoners by distance learning, so I have been…
Read MoreMeet the Digital Poet in Residence: Lavinia Singer
An Interview with Lavinia Singer
Hi Lavinia! When we first started discussing your residency – For the Love of Craft: Confessions of a Bibliophile – you spoke about wanting to “defend your aestheticist interests”. So could we start by explaining what those are and why you think they need defending? Lavinia: I suppose the issue is with beauty and how to…
Read MoreWinning Ways to Make the Shortlist: an Interview with Saradha Soobrayen
An Interview with Saradha Soobrayen
With the change in seasons comes the next wave of competitions, prizes, awards and schemes for poets in the UK. Already thinking about your submissions? Poet, mentor and facilitator Saradha Soobrayen is on hand to help, with her course Winning Ways to Make the Shortlist providing 30 editing tools and writing strategies to help you get…
Read MoreCosmos and discovery: an interview with Claire Trévien
An Interview with Claire Trévien
Ah the astronomer’s lot. Now cool again thanks to Brian Cox, but in principle only really fathomable if you have a degree in astrophysics, a finer understanding of stellar mass spectrums, and a very expensive telescope. To an easily confused outsider (which is exactly what I am) it used to be the wonder expressed at things…
Read MoreThe raw material of language: an interview with Victoria Bean
An Interview with Victoria Bean
Victoria Bean is a visual poet and the co-tutor of our upcoming Online Reading Group, ‘The New Concrete: Visual Poetry in the 21st Century’. Victoria has been working over the last 3 years with Chris McCabe (another Poetry School tutor) to put together a major anthology of new approaches, ideas and techniques being used in visual…
Read MoreMeet the Digital Poet in Residence: Janette Ayachi
An Interview with Janette Ayachi
Hi Janette! And welcome to CAMPUS. Tell us more about your upcoming residency – ‘The Poet’s Ego: Writers Who Love Writers’ – and what you’ve got planned. Janette: I have been rolling around in that question myself, its seems the more research I do, the more I spiral off on horizontal tangents of the self!…
Read MorePrimers: an interview with this year’s judge, Kathryn Maris
An Interview with Kathryn Maris
As the deadline for our Primers scheme edges ever closer (1st September – apply now!) we spoke to this year’s judge Kathryn Maris about what she’s going to be looking for in a submission, the predictability of poetry prizes, and savaging one’s own work. The perfect way to get the inside track on this unique…
Read MoreThe Poetry of Wolf Hall: an Interview with Ellen Cranitch
An Interview with Ellen Cranitch
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last 10 years (not the strangest thing a poet has ever done) you’ll be aware of Wolf Hall, the literary phenomenon by Hilary Mantel, which was recently adapted into one of the most critically acclaimed TV serials in British television history. As we eagerly wait for…
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Saturday Sessions: an Interview with Ros Barber
An Interview with Ros Barber
We caught up with poet and novelist Ros Barber ahead of her next term of Saturday Sessions: a monthly workshop course of feedback, discussion and writing for poets… Hi Ros! Your new book, Devotion, has just been published – could you tell us more about that? It’s a novel, following up on the success of my…
Read MorePoetry Studio: an Interview with Fiona Hamilton
An Interview with Fiona Hamilton
We caught up with poet and tutor Fiona Hamilton to find out more about her new course in Bristol, Poetry Studio, starting 16 September… Hi Fiona! What poetry are you reading at the moment? Today I read poems by Lawrence Ferlinghetti (‘Don’t Let That Horse’), Wendy Cope (‘The Uncertainty of the Poet’) and R.S. Thomas…
Read MoreCreatrix: an Interview with Claire Askew
An Interview with Claire Askew
Expectations, categorisations and loaded words: we caught up with poet and tutor Claire Askew to find out more about her Autumn Term course, ‘Creatrix: Women’s Poetries for the 21st Century’: Hi Clare! How’s your summer shaping up? Claire: Great, thanks! I’m just back from a holiday/research trip to Cornwall: I’m doing research into English witchcraft for…
Read MorePrimers: an Interview with Jane Commane of Nine Arches Press
An Interview with Jane Commane
The Poetry School and Nine Arches Press joined forces recently to launch Primers, a new joint mentoring and publication scheme for emerging poets. Submissions have been whizzing through the systems these last few weeks and making us very excited, so we went to have a chat with Nine Arches’ Editor Jane Commane about what she’s…
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A Long Drink for a Hot Day: an Interview with Holly Hopkins
An Interview with Holly Hopkins
As the Summer days draw out, and the festivals, parties, barbeques and celebrations continue, Holly Hopkins will be inviting students to look at some of the best booze-inspired poetry – and to create some of their own – on her Summer School workshop ‘A Long Drink for a Hot Day’ . We caught up with…
Read MorePub Chat: Test Centre
An Interview with Test Centre
In the latest of our series of feature-length interviews with independent publishers, set in our imaginary poetry theatre pub somewhere in Lambeth, we spoke to Jess Chandler of Test Centre… Hello there, Jess! What are you drinking? Jess: Gin & tonic! How long has Test Centre been running? Jess: Test Centre began as a project in 2011, and…
Read MoreSurprised by Joy: an Interview with Dai George
An Interview with Dai George
In his Summer School workshop ‘Surprised by Joy’ this term, Dai George will be exploring the challenges and possibilities of writing from feelings of happiness, wonder and joy. We had a chat to find out more … Hello Dai – tell us about your Summer workshop. What do you have planned? It’s called ‘Surprised by…
Read MorePub Chat: Rack Press
An Interview with Rack Press
In the latest of our series of feature-length interviews with independent publishers, set in our imaginary poetry theatre pub somewhere in Lambeth, we spoke to Nicholas Murray of Rack Press… Hello there, Nick! What are you drinking? Nick: A glass of Ralph’s Cider made by my neighbour Ralph Owen who claims to be one of the few Welsh…
Read MoreCelebrate Your History: an Interview with Nick Field
An Interview with Nick Field
How can poetry express the joys, sensations and narratives of shared celebrations? In his new Summer School workshop ‘Celebrate Your History’, artist and writer Nick Field will be working with students to use autobiography to create powerful, joyful poems. We caught up with Nick to find out more… Hi Nick! Tell us a bit about…
Read MorePub Chat: HappenStance Press
An Interview with HappenStance Press
In the latest of our series of feature-length interviews with independent publishers, set in our imaginary poetry theatre pub somewhere in Lambeth, we spoke to Helena Nelson of HappenStance Press.. Hello there, Helena! What are you drinking? Helena: Glass of Sauvignon Blanc, thank you (if you happen to have any Cloudy Bay, that would be perfect). How long…
Read MoreA Festival of Opposing Forces: Interview with R A Villanueva
An Interview with R A Villanueva
R A Villanueva’s upcoming Summer workshop, ‘A Festival of Opposing Forces’, will be a celebration of unlike things, thinking about poems as spaces to memorialize, illuminate, and make new. We caught up with the poet and asked him a few questions about what the day will have in store… Tell us more about your Summer…
Read MorePub Chats: Reality Street
An Interview with Reality Street
Hello there, Ken! What are you drinking? Ken: Pint of Harvey’s best. How long has Reality Street been running? Ken: Since 1993. What were some of the practical things you did to get started? Ken: I went into an informal partnership with fellow poet and publisher Wendy Mulford. We each put a few hundred pounds…
Read MoreCall and Response: an Interview with Rishi Dastidar
An Interview with Rishi Dastidar
As part of our festival themed Summer School this July, poet Rishi Dastidar will be running ‘Call and Response’, a workshop based around writing poetry from music. We caught up with Rishi to find out more … Hi Rishi! Tell us a bit more about your Summer School workshop, Call and Response – what do…
Read MoreKeep On: an Interview with Clare Shaw
An Interview with Clare Shaw
Starting on Thursday 11 June in Manchester, ‘Keep On’ will help poets at any level who are in need of a little fuel and maintenance to keep writing. We had a chat with tutor Clare Shaw about the upcoming course, and her thoughts on what to do when the poems aren’t coming … Hi Clare!…
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