We are delighted to announce a ground-breaking collaboration between Newcastle University and the Poetry School: a new Masters degree in Writing Poetry*.
Starting September 2015, the two year part time course will be based in two centres. You can study at the Poetry School in London, or at Newcastle University itself via a combination of small groups and individual teaching. Both groups of students will come together for an annual joint Summer School, alternating between London and Newcastle.
London tutors will be Roddy Lumsden and Clare Pollard; Newcastle tutors include Sean O’Brien and W N Herbert – and both teaching centres will benefit from guest tutor visits from the Poetry School’s established teaching faculty.
Newcastle students will have access to full student amenities and the Newcastle Centre of Literary Arts event programme. London students will be close to the Saison Poetry Library and other central London cultural hubs at the heart of a thriving poetry community.
This new MA is unique in that it is firmly rooted in the publishing, performing and promoting poetry world. Since 1997 when the Poetry School was founded, students participating in our courses and workshops become active, creative members of a national poetry community. The addition of a Masters degree to our programme offers a previously unavailable level of formal accreditation of poetic talent.
The price for the MA is £2,750 per year.
Download more details about the content and structure of the course here.
Applicants will need a 2:1 Bachelors degree or above in a related subject, or be able to demonstrate existing skills at a comparable level. You may need to submit a portfolio of up to 10 poems as part of your application. To discuss your suitability for the MA, please contact the Poetry School.
Applications will open this Summer via the Newcastle University website applications portal.
Meanwhile, to register your interest email Joanne Brandon at [email protected] (if you wish to study in London) or Melanie Birch at [email protected] (if you wish to study in Newcastle).
*Subject to the full Newcastle University approval process.

Congratulations on the launch of what sounds like a fantastic course – would have loved to have had the option for a pure poetry MA, and I’m sure many others will agree. Brilliant idea!
Very best of luck to all concerned – it’s a timely idea; highly skilled tutors and a very reasonable fee structure….I think it will be a great success.
Wow – this looks great. I will definitely be recommending it to anyone to asks me about further study!
How many great English language poets got a degree in writing poetry? How do you teach inspiration? How do you bring passion to a poet in a seminar?
Surely the English language poets were well read, connected and had access to people, places and things to feel passionate about! The American poets, French poets too. Plenty of tutors, but not all, I hasten to add, are brilliant at igniting passion in a poet, Tim Dooley for one. .