Ghazal Masterclass with Mona Arshi
‘The ghazal’s disconnectedness must not be mistaken for fragmentariness; that actually underscores a profound cultural connectedness. The ghazal is not an occasion for angst; it is an occasion for genuine grief.’ – Agha Shahid Ali
The Ghazal is one of the world’s most ancient forms and has been utilised by Western poets such as Goethe, Lorca, and more recently Marilyn Hacker and Mimi Khalvati. In these classes we will identify what a ghazal is and what it might be for. We’ll examine its tradition and the history it is rooted in, asking what are the challenges and obstacles for poets writing in a form that is circular and opposed to linear? How far can and should western poets veer away from its formal structures? We will look at writers such as Judith Wright and Philip Salom, alongside other poets, in their attempts to transform and revitalise the form.
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