Read The Pilot Voyage here
29th January, featuring Roger Bloor, Vanessa Lampert, Sara Levy and Samuel Prince
Read The First Voyage here
19th February, featuring Stephen Boorman, Diana Cockburn, Katie Colombus, Helen Curtis, Janet Smith and Chris Welch
Read The Second Voyage here
5th March, featuring Caroline Davies, Kate B Hall, Antony Mair, Kitty Martin, Greta Ross and Nisa Saiyid
Read The Third Voyage here
30th March, featuring Anne East, Erica Jane Morris, Sandra Galton, Emma Simon, Vishvantara and Barry Tench
Read The Fourth Voyage here
26th April, featuring Matt Bryden, Jennifer Jones, Jeanne Cannizzo, Kate Edwards, Shardool Kulkarni and Emilio Puerta
Read The Fifth Voyage here
17th May, featuring Laila Anne Farnes, Annabelle Markwick-Staff, Melinda Zimmerman, Helen Eastman, Kate Ghyll and Huan Zhang
Read the Sixth Voyage here
19th July, featuring Magdalen McInerney, Helen Reid, Linda Weiss, Katherine Lockton, Natalia Sharyshova and Eva Hilberg
Read the Season Finale here
16th August, featuring Beatriz Echeverri, Elontra Hall, Candida Dexter, Barbara Harrison, Isabella Chang and Gillie Robic
As you’ll see, the project is expansive, Glyn’s feedback is detailed and extensive, and the overall experience is totally unique. We will publish each instalment in an online Poetry School Magazine, featuring innovative writing, reviews, criticism, and new poetry. Alongside being an exciting piece of literary fiction and an experimental poetry workshop, we envision Dark Canadee as an anthology of the poems published within it and a future compendium of sage advice, critique, and direction on what readers can learn about poetry and apply to their own writing and lives, in the vein of Glyn’s earlier books On Poetry and Drinks with Dead Poets.
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