Matthew Caley London Seminar 2024/25

Matthew Caley London Seminar 2024/25

Intimate monthly seminars with Matthew Caley in London.

Monthly seminar groups with Matthew Caley, featuring close reading, in-depth discussion and feedback on your poems-in-progress, as well guidance on your next steps as a poet and conversation around contemporary poetry. With a maximum of eight students in each group, these seminars provide an intimate setting and generate supportive and critical friendships, helping you to become part of your local poetry community.

Entry into this group is by application only. If you would like to sign up, please email [email protected] for information and we will assist you in the application process.
Do not book online before applying.

8 x monthly sessions between October and May. Sessions for this course will take place at 6.30–9pm on Wednesdays at The Bindery, 51-53 Hatton Garden, London EC1N 8HN.


More information about how all our seminars work can be found on the Seminars Course Page.

Image credit: Vojtech Bruzek

About Matthew Caley View Profile

Matthew Caley’s 7th collection, To Abandon Wizardry, is published by Bloodaxe in November 2023. Since his debut, Thirst [ Slow Dancer, 1999] was nominated for The Forward Prize for Best First Collection, his work has been widely anthologised and appeared in many magazines, websites and journals. He has given many readings both here and abroad. 

In addition to being a regular tutor/mentor for The Poetry School in London, he has recently held Poetry/Creative Writing posts at St Andrews University [twice], at The University of Winchester, and Royal Holloway University London. He gave the StAnza 2020 Lecture in March. Trawl, a video-piece made in collaboration with Steve Smart and Alex South and commissioned by StAnza 2020, was shown there and at poem-film Festivals in Berlin and Texas. He published a pamphlet of loose versions of 19th/20th Century French poets Prophecy is Easy, with Blueprint Press, in 2020. He is a member of the scientific and organizing committee for the International Semiotics and Visual Communication conference – Cyprus University of Technology and has three times given key-note talks there. 

He previously taught in Art & Design for many years, collaborated with artist and musicians, co-edited and wrote for a book on the pop song in cinema, and before that was involved in design for the arts and music industries, co-designing, amongst other things, the packaging for Prefab Sprout’s debut LP Swoon. 

‘Chief among British poets Caley takes seriously the vision of synesthetic abundance laid out in Mallarme’s essay ‘Crisis and Verse’…[ ] Caley is a great poet of transposition and vibration… [ ] Caley at his very best, an offhand philosopher and bard of the demi-monde, gently blowing our minds.’ – Dai George POETRY WALES 

‘The Poetry School has given me more confidence in sharing my work with strangers. The supportive environment has provided me with a safe space to experiment. I’ve learned more about my own writing, but also about the huge diversity of contemporary poetry and poets. I’ve felt part of a poetry community where poets, regardless of experience mingle freely. It’s been liberating.’

– Spring 2023 survey response

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