Fortnightly Feedback with Natalie Whittaker

Fortnightly Feedback with Natalie Whittaker

Knock your loose poems into shape with some concentrated feedback from poet and teacher, Natalie Whittaker.

Do you have a heap of poems that just won’t work, no matter how many revisions you make? Our Fortnightly Feedback course provides a place for the improvement of left-for-dead poems in need of resuscitation. Bring in-progress drafts once a fortnight for advice and feedback from your peers, before submitting a final draft to the tutor for detailed comment, criticism, and direction. These courses are ideal for those looking to get a selection of poems ready for magazine submission. 

1 Oct – course start
15 Oct – 1st poem submission (feedback from tutor posted by 2 Oct)
29 Oct – 2nd poem submission (feedback from tutor posted by 5 Nov)
12 Nov – 3rd poem submission (feedback from tutor posted by 19 Nov)
26 Nov – 4th poem submission (feedback from tutor posted by 3 Dec)
10 Dec – 5th poem submission (feedback from tutor posted by 17 Dec)  

Submit 5 poems (no more than 1 side of A4 per poem) for detailed feedback over the 11 weeks. No live chats. Suitable for UK & International students.  

Concessions & Accessibility

To apply for a concessionary rate, please send relevant documentation showing your eligibility for one of our concessions to [email protected]; conditions of eligibility are detailed here. If you have any questions, wish to be added to the waiting list of a sold-out course, or require any form of adjustment to access our courses, please email [email protected]For more information visit our Online Courses page.

Image credit: tumblr_mjemtrmlGw1qz5g75o1

About Natalie Whittaker View Profile

Natalie Whittaker is a poet and teacher from South East London. She is the author of two pamphlets: Shadow Dogs (ignition press, 2018) and Tree (Verve Poetry Press, 2021). Natalie was a London Library Emerging Writer 2020 – 2021. Her first full-length collection will be published in 2025. 

"Being able to access high-quality courses online is life-changing for writers like myself for whom real-world courses are mostly impossible."

– Spring 2024 survey response

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