Exploration of Ecstasy: Masterclass

Exploration of Ecstasy: Masterclass

Tune into the inner truth of the ecstatic.

‘That first undifferentiated potential perception, that first principle of experience, is said to correspond to pure, absolute enjoyment, the innermost nature of existence.’ – Alain Daniélou, The Myths and Gods of India 

The Nataraja is one of the most famous depictions of the Hindu god Shiva. In his hands he palms open flame, makes ritualistic gestures, holds a snake, and plays a two-headed drum. A ring of flames envelop him, as he treads upon a demon, symbolising triumph over ignorance. In this chaos, cosmic creation and destruction coexist simultaneously. This is ecstasy. 

The ecstatic poet seeks to explore rhythms like Shiva’s to discover an inner truth or vibration that can resonate with others regardless of background. We will read the work of a diverse range of poets with this affect. Think of Rumi and Hafiz, Walcott and Hutchinson. Think of yourself rapt in wonder and amazement. 

Masterclasses are an expanded version of our International Courses, with a much deeper consideration of technical craft and critical theory. These 12-week courses (maximum 10 places) are for advanced students only, and fluency with poetic language and ideas will be assumed. There are no live chats and they are suitable for UK and International students.  

Concessions & Accessibility

To apply for a concessionary rate, please send relevant documentation showing your eligibility for one of our concessions to [email protected]; conditions of eligibility are detailed here. If you have any questions, wish to be added to the waiting list of a sold-out course, or require any form of adjustment to access our courses, please email [email protected]For more information visit our Online Courses page.

Image credit: @wiki/Santa_Maria_della_Vittoria

About Richard Georges View Profile

Richard Georges is a writer of essays, fiction, and three collections of poetry. He is a Fellow of the Stellenbosch Institute of Advanced Study and Virgin Islands Poet Laureate. He has been previously shortlisted for the Forward Prize for Best First Collection and his most recent work, Epiphaneia (OutSpoken), won the 2020 OCM Bocas Prize for Caribbean Literature. Richard works in higher education and lives on Tortola with his wife and children. 

"I find these courses excellent to get me writing again when I have tailed off. They also get me to widen the type of poems I write."

– Spring 2024 survey response

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