Bring your writing to the next level and explore contemporary poetry’s cutting-edge.
Le Poetesse: Transreading Contemporary Italian Verse
Discover current Italian women poets writing beyond the traditional.
Interdisciplinary & Translingual Explorations with Astrid Alben
An exciting, advanced poetry workshop with the innovative Astrid Alben.
Hymns to Life: Poetry, Documentary, & Time
Capturing temporality in your own personal poetics.
‘The Doors of Perception’: Pop Culture & Poetry
Explore new approaches in your writing through the lens of pop culture!
Rachel Long’s Advanced Weekly Workshop with Special Guests
An exciting advanced workshop group with the much-loved Rachel Long and the benefit of special guest tutors each term.
Advanced Poetry Workshop with Mark Waldron
An advanced weekly workshop group with the inimitable Mark Waldron.
Poetic Forms for Beginners
Spark your creativity and take your first steps into the world of poetry!
Fortnightly Feedback with Jennifer Lee Tsai
Knock loose poems into shape with some concentrated feedback from poet, critic, and teacher, Jennifer Lee Tsai.
Technique [How to Discover or Disown It] 2.0
What training do you do to sustain and maintain yourself as a poet? Explore the essential work of writerly ‘technique’, in an all new edition of this popular course.
Lighting the World: Writing in Times of Crisis
How can we write poetry through times of ecological emergency, perpetual war, or personal crises?
Writing the City: Transreading Paris in the Springtime
Parisienne pleasures - Paris as poetic muse.
Clarity & Vision: Advanced Poetry Workshop with Richard Price
Join this group for close discussion of your writing with acclaimed poet, Richard Price.
The Craft of Poetry: A Course for New Poets
Perfect your poetic practice (and get answers to questions you’ve been too afraid to ask!).
Beginners’ Workshop Group
Join a supportive community for close reading and developmental feedback on your new poems!
Saturday Sessions with Ros Barber
Monthly all-day Saturday workshops with Ros Barber.
Kiss Kiss Studio
It's all in a kiss! Join us for an intimate course with interdisciplinary artist and poet Tice Cin, exploring the kiss in poetry.
Narrative Art: Poetic Storytelling
Structure storied poems and narrate like a natural.
‘True North’ Studio
What are we talking about when we talk about the North?
Poetry as Apocalypse in Language Studio
Unveiling the unseen for revelatory, experimental poetics.
Women, Writing, & Place
Use your writing to explore personal identity and the intersections that shape us.
Conditions of Invisibility & Creation of the Self, after Gboyega Odubanjo
Gboyega: Locating selfhood, seen-ness, and invisibility in Adam. Decent.
Fragmentation: Making & Unmaking Poetry
Blow-up to glow-up; use non-traditional means to make magic fragmented poems.
What Makes a Collection?
From manuscript to collection – what to know as you prepare for submission.
Writing What Can’t Be Said
Risk and reward – saying un-sayable things.