You’ve just completed a Poetry School course and have written and edited a few new poems, so what now? Here are some places to publish and submit your poetry.
Submitting your poems to a magazine, journal, or press is the first step to sharing your work with an audience and building up a readership, which is crucial if you’re looking to publish your work in a pamphlet or collection later down the line. To help you in this process, we have compiled a list of places to submit your wonderful poems for 2025!

is a new publishing agency that focuses on local authors, poets and artists. Do follow them to find out about their next poetry submission window. More info here.
Abridged –
This is a free magazine and exhibition series based in Derry. The editors are interested in the idea of abridgement, each issue has a different theme with ‘abridgement’ in mind. They supply visual art for submissions, find out more here.
Aesthetica is looking for the best new writing talent. Their international literary prize is open to poetry and short fiction submissions on any theme, celebrating innovation in content, form, and technique. Entry details here.
Founded by 3 Poetry School MA Graduates, Alchemy Spoon publishes three times a year, both online and in print. The magazine showcases about 40 poems per issue, with a particular interest in publishing poets who have come to poetry following other careers though submissions are open to all. It also runs a pamphlet competition, with the winner to be published by Clayhanger Press. Follow them here to keep up-to-date with submission windows.
seeks to publish the best contemporary poetry. It is published twice a year in an online format. One issue is for poems on any theme and one for poems with a set theme. Poems can be of any style but should be a maximum of forty lines in length.
Queer experiences across borders and other stories told with no shame. Anamot Press is an independent small publisher based in London. Follow them here, to find out more about next submission windows.
And Other Poems is an online popetry magazine founded by Josephine Corcoran in 2012. Now edited by Tom Bailey and Laurie Ogden it publishes three times a year. Follow them here to see examples of the work they publish and to be updated about submission windows.
is an online poetry journal run by Charlie Baylis, Laia Sales Merino and Aaron Kent . They are also open to translations from any language into English. Free submissions are open in June and December. Submit here.
is a micropublisher of award-winning short story anthologies, poetry, & a Carnegie Medal nominated YA novel. Organiser of The Story Sessions and Solstice Shorts. They currently only accept submissions that are call outs for their anthologies, so follow them to keep an eye out for these and find out more about their submissions here.
is a poetry webzine based in Worcestershire, UK. Edited by Holly Magill and Claire Walker. Open for submissions throughout the year, however, they do close their inbox from time to time. Find out more here.
is an independent publisher of new poetry, run by Amy Acre and Jake Wild Hall. They print full collections, anthologies, pamphlets, and a limited edition mini-pamphlet series called Bad Betty Shots. Find out more here.
is a poetry publication for writers exploring their experiences with mental health. Find out more about submissions here.
bind –
is a digital platform for creative work examining ecology, the environment and the natural world. Their submissions are currently closed. Find out more here.
publish micro-poems from across the world. They open submission periods throughout the year for poets to send us up to three new poems (up to ten lines each) each time. Submit here.
provides a platform for voices which are culturally more marginalised. It produces slim, elegant pamphlets of work by invited writers, on a sometime basis. It is edited and produced by Mab Jones. Find out more about their work here.
is a literary journal seeking bold, succinct writing and photography. They publish writers and photographers from the UK and around the world. Find out more here.
They welcome submissions in any Fantasy or Horror genre or sub-genre, of 500-5000 words and also accept Poetry and Art too. Have a look at the submissions guidelines and submit here.
are a small, innovative press, who publish a range of pamphlets and collections, from a range of writers. They particularly encourage working-class writers, LGBTQ+, and BAME writers to submit. Find out more about their submission periods here.
is a poetry and arts collective proudly published on the coastal edge of North-West England. Founded by Alan Parry and Paul Robert Mullen – two school friends reunited after twenty years through a mutual love of poetry. They will read submissions of poetry during the months of June, December and March, see more here.
is a small independent publisher in the South West predominately specialising in promoting spoken word artists. Follow them here for updates.
is proudly edited and published in the heart of North East England. They print two unthemed poetry magazines each year in Spring and Autumn. Check submission windows here.
is the quarterly journal of Cannon Poets. It aims to stimulate interest and encourage the participation of members and the wider community in the writing of poetry and its presentation to the public. The deadline for submitting work for inclusion in The Cannon’s Mouth is the 1st day of the month before publication. The Cannon’s Mouth is published in March, June, September and December each year. Find out more and sign up here.
Chapman –
is Scotland’s leading literary magazine: controversial, influential, outspoken and intelligent. Founded in 1970, it has become a dynamic force in Scottish culture, covering theatre, politics, language and the arts. It is a highly respected forum for poetry, fiction, criticism, review and debate—essential reading for anyone interested in contemporary Scotland. They don’t accept unsolicited submissions, find out more here.
Confingo –
Manchester-based independent publishers that create biannual print collections of previously unpublished fiction, poetry and art. Find out more and submit your poetry here.
Most kinds of poetry will be considered, though poets who don’t engage with tradition are less likely to find a home here. Check their submissions details here.
Sign up for their newsletter here to stay up to date. This competition is for underrepresented writers in the UK only, who are over 18 years old. Find out more here.
is an online literary journal that plucks fiction and poetry from skeletal trees and gives it a place to take root. To find about their submissions see contact page here.
is an independent magazine covering magic, mythology, folklore and the occult. See their submissions guidelines here.
has evolved into a poetry journal, having been founded and edited by MA graduates of NUI Galway (Áine Ni Mhaoileoin, Rebecca Spicer, and Neil Slevin) and Uversity (Dana Rabe) in 2016. They are updated monthly with new content and are open year-round for submissions. Before submitting, please read the About page, our Duotrope interview, and at least some of the poetry they’ve published in recent months. They welcome all genres of poetry; reject any promotion of intolerance, hatred or fear. Contributors maintain ownership of and the right to republish their content. Submit here.
welcomes submissions of poetry, short stories, and creative non-fiction from writers at any stage of their career, from unknown to well known. We are not restricted to any style, theme or genre, and seek to publish a broad range of high-quality work. They aim to build on the solid foundations of this long standing and respected magazine and to encourage a diverse range of writers and artists without losing the friendly, eclectic nature of the publication. Find out more about submissions process here.
Independent, printed poetry magazine: ecopoetry and the environment; beauty and daring. Future submission updates can be found here.
is a London-based poetry journal, publishing the most exciting LGBTQ+ poets 3 times a year. Every issue brings together fourteen of the best poets in the world, printing their queer takes on sex, love, race, gender and life in the LGBTQ+ global community. Submit here.
is the magazine of The Frogmore Press, which was founded in 1983. The Press has published hundreds of writers in its now bi-annual magazine and also in individual collections and anthologies. The Frogmore Papers operates a system of submission windows. Submissions for the March issue are considered from 1 – 31 October and submissions for the September issue from 1 – 30 April, find out more here.
are looking for poetry that pushes language forward, for poets and poems that strive to place themselves at the edge of what language can do. They are always open and free to submit to, find out more and submit your poetry here.
Fruit accept submissions from anyone who identifies as LGBTQ+. You can check when they’re open for submissions here.
The Gentian (pronounced jen-shun) is a journal that publishes exciting new poetry and photography from emerging and established poets. Find out more about windows and guidelines here.
Granta –
is committed to championing new voices and is open to unsolicited submissions of fiction, non-fiction and poetry. They are usually open for non-fiction, fiction, poetry, art and photography submissions during the following periods: 1 September – 30 September and 1 December – 31 December. But do check here.
welcomes Chaos, Calamity, And The Natural World. Hope Punks & Witches. Find out more here.
Gutter –
is a magazine of new Scottish and international writing, dedicated to creating space for poetry and prose in Scotland and beyond. We look for work that challenges, re-imagines or undermines the status quo; that pushes at the boundaries of form and function; that is striking and beautiful, find out more here.
The journal for poets writing in English as a second or parallel language. Submit no more than three poems of up to 60 lines. Poems should not have been previously published in any magazine or online format. More info here.
publishes short books of poetry, essays and interdisciplinary work that is intelligent, inspiring and has a strong sense of place, seeking to engage with ecological issues in a collaborative and provocative way. Submissions to the Hazel Press Blog should be sent to Sara Hudston, [email protected].
this online magazine publishes work in English by new and established poets from The UK and around the world. Alongside a lively and eclectic mix of poetry, each new issue contains an editorial, a literary essay, a selection of poems in translation, poetry reviews and occasional features. They have four submission windows, find out more here.
The long-established magazine was created by the late poet James Simmons in May 1968. Throughout its lifetime it has maintained a focus on openness, scepticism and subversion. It now publishes poetry, prose, interviews, reviews and features, and welcomes aboard any writer who will join it. You can see their submission calls here.
is a UK based webzine that publishes and reviews poetry, prose, prose-poetry, word & image pieces, and everything in between. Follow them here to stay up to date, or continue checking here.
publishes new poetry and short fiction online. The editorial team welcomes dare and rigour, work that destabilises cultural or stylistic classification and boundaries. Fiction and poetry submission windows for October issues are open 1 April – 14 May. Submission windows for April issues are open 1 October – 14 November. Find out more and submit here.
is an arts journal publishing: short stories, poetry, prose, essays, interviews, and translations. Find out about their submissions here.
is an online Literary Journal dedicated to assisting writers to get published, performed, and produced. They feature interviews with professional writers, publish helpful information, run competitions with cash prizes, and are open to submissions of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. They seek submissions from writers who are 14 years and older who live anywhere in the world. They are open for submissions here.
is looking for poetry, fiction, and nonfiction relating to themes such as (but not limited to) diaspora, immigration, displacement, borders, and decolonization. Find out more here.
is an international literary journal published annually by the Creative Writing programme at the University of Lincoln and sponsored by the School of Creative Arts. Founded by Daniele Pantano, TLR showcases new poetry, fiction, translations, and art from both established as well as emerging and underrepresented voices from around the world. Check out their submissions details here.
is the pocket magazine for anyone interested in poetry. It publishes reviews, poems, translations, features and curios, in three A6-size print issues a year. It’s free to submit, and simultaneous submissions are welcome. Read the submission guidelines here.
Littoral –
this online magazine is published eight times per year. It publishes work with a spiritual aspect, and is inclusive in its selection. ‘Pagan, Christian, Mysticism, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism – every conceivable spiritual path is welcome from the most ancient to the most modern of beliefs.’ Part of the magazine’s brief is to find unity in diversity. Littoral Magazine is always open for submissions, find out more and submit your poetry here.
Lolwe –
is a Pan-African literary magazine that publishes fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography, and literary criticism. Find out about submission criteria here.
England’s oldest literary periodical, with a history stretching back to 1732. Today – reinvigorated for a new century – the Magazine’s essence remains unchanged: it is a home for the best writing and an indispensable feature on the British literary landscape. They have six submission months in the year find out more about submitting here.
was founded to feature creative writing, photography and other visual art, and explore the ways in which they can interact; how writing responds to other art forms and vice versa, and what new possibilities arise. Long Exposure now publishes a wide range of poetry, flash fiction, photography, art and illustration, as well as work which combines these forms from individuals and collaborators. They are open for submissions, see here.
is the only magazine dedicated to publishing long poems and sequences. LPM showcases the best of traditional and innovative new writing from established and emerging poets in the international community. Find out more about submitting here.
are looking for poetry, prose and creative non-fiction. See current submissions window here.
are an indie small press, curatorial/collaborative collective, and radio programme for experimental, radical, and personal literature and art. They are currently on hiatus but due to re-open in 2025 so join their mailing list here, follow them here and keep checking up on them here to find out when submissions will open again.
Like all the best poetry, Magma is always surprising. Every issue of Magma has a different editor, either members of the Magma board or a prominent poet acting as a guest editor. They have a page with calls for submissions here, so keep your eyes peeled for the theme of their next anthology. And read more about their general submissions here.
The Moth –
was launched at the Flat Lake Festival in June 2010 and is now winner of a DAA Arts Award. This Irish magazine publishes poetry, fiction and pictures from artists in Ireland and abroad, and fetures several annual contests. More here.
Mslexia –
are committed to helping women writers progress and succeed, through their quarterly magazine, women’s writing weekend, and annual writing competitions. Check to see when they’re receiving submissions here.
is a small press specialising in extremely high quality poetry pamphlets. Find out more about their submissions here.
is an online literary magazine from the north of England showcasing underrepresented talent. They publish every quarter and will work with writers selected on preparing their work prior to publication. Find out about their submissions here.
is a literary magazine published twice a year by The Poetry Business, and is essential reading for anyone who loves contemporary poetry. Each issue includes: a lively range of international poetry by new and established writers, book reviews from mainstream publishers to smaller presses; critical articles; conversations with writers; and features. They are currently closed, but find out more about submissions here.
a quarterly magazine that has been running for over two decades, and is always open for submissions. Find out more about their submissions here.
endeavors to uplift and engage emerging and established poets in our larger community. Submissions for their Featured Poetry category are open year round to poets at any stage of their career. And they are also always open and free to submit for other categories, here.
focuses on Japanese short-form poetry, including haiku, senryu, tanka, haiga and haibun/tanka prose. There are two issues a year and typically each issue has a theme. The Editor, Alan Summers, has been involved in haikai literature and tanka, since 1993. He is a Pushcart Prize nominated poet for both haiku and haibun, as well as Best Small Fictions nominated for haibun. He is also a multiple Touchstone Award nominated poet, and winner. The next issue, PHR 5, we will be open for submissions from 3 May to 11 May 2025 and for only haibun, and tanka prose (maximum one piece, which can be up to 1,500 words). You can find more information here.
Is a brand new print zine featuring poetry, CNF, and flash fiction in combination with visual art. Follow them here for details.
is a 60-page poetry magazine, published twice a year in May and November. The magazine is independent and completely self-supporting. It is one of the longest surviving little magazines in the UK, having started publication in 1973. It was initially the offshoot of Pennine Poets, a poetry workshop group based in the West Riding of Yorkshire, with which it still retains informal connections. They welcome submissions of 3-6 unpublished poems in February and September, see more here.
a poetry magazine for ‘deliberate, obstinate, unreasonable or unacceptable poems, contrary to the accepted or expected standard or practice’. It is edited by Poetry School tutor and friend, Chrissy Williams. Find out more here.
Phare is an old English word for lighthouse or beacon to guide seafarers, is a UK based literary magazine which true to its name, shines a light on exceptional writing from around the world. As well as showcasing creative works of new fiction, poetry and creative non-fiction, we provide writing resources: an online writers’ forum, live online and traditional workshops, masterclasses and retreats. For details check here.
The Plough Poetry Prize is an international open competition for a poem up to 40 lines on any subject. Find out more here.
is a bi-monthly poetry review that publishes the best new poetry voices and experimental work. It is published in association with Carcanet Press. There are two submissions windows a year during the months of June and December, find out more here.
provides a high quality vibrant print showcase for new and more established poets and artists alike from across the world. Subscribe to their newsletter to be updated on submission windows here.
is a leading international magazine, where new names share pages with acclaimed contemporary poets. They also publish a wide range of poetry in translation. Their magazines are published in March, June and October, find out more and submit here.
welcomes submissions of unpublished poems and translations of poems. They have a policy of publishing work by new and upcoming poets as well as that of established poets. Find out more about their submission guidelines here.
is the foremost poetry magazine in Wales, publishing internationally respected contemporary poetry, features and reviews in its triannual print and digital magazine. Poetry Wales platforms international contemporary poetry from Welsh and international writers. Find out more here.
is a new publishing enterprise seeking out hidden voices and helping them be heard. Find out more about submissions here.
is a biannual printed art and literary magazine featuring short stories, poems and essays on artists. Founded in July 2020, The Pomegranate London seeks to publish and promote innovative, fresh and experimental new work from established and emerging writers and artists from the UK and internationally.
Check their submissions windows here.
Prole –
is a literary print journal that publishes high quality, accessible poetry and prose. We aim to entertain, challenge, but never exclude. At Prole, the reader comes first. We work actively with our contributors and pay a small royalty for anything we publish. Prole is published twice a year in June and December. And run prizes too see here for details.
is a free new online literary magazine with Anthony Anaxagorou at the helm as editor in chief focusing on work by poets yet to publish a full length collection. Six issues are published annually each by a different guest editor. Sign up to the mailing list here and submit your work here.
Create new possibilities in the publishing of fiction and poetry through a flexible, interdisciplinary approach, and the production of unique and beautiful books. Submit here.
The magazine appears three times a year and each issue, with its spacious A4 pages, has fifty or so poems, an editorial and occasional, commissioned, prose pieces. They currently aren’t looking for submissions for a specific issue, but will be soon, see windows and guidelines here.
is a journal of creative arts founded by Jonathan Kinsman in 2017. It releases an issue once a month, and is open to submissions of poetry, short fiction, visual art and experimental media. To check if they are currently open for submissions, please see here.
an independent publisher of poetry & prose. They are currently seeking work for their next chapbook – a serial work entitled The Flirtations, find out more here, and sign up to their mailing list for other submissions here.
Founded in 2009, SAND looks for submissions that push the boundaries of form, message, and voice in fresh and unpredictable ways – work that is haunting for its soul, edge, and truth. Submissions openin periodically, keep your eye on their submissions page here.
was founded in May 2018 in Edinburgh by Taliha Quadri, Lis Mesa, Chelsea Welsh, and Sonali Misra. The founders met through the University of Edinburgh while pursuing postgraduate degrees in Creative Writing, and the idea for a literary magazine was born – a magazine with representation as its core value that would extend across the boundaries of academia, culture, gender, and race, and offer the works of underrepresented writers year-round to its readers. Check if they are currently open for submissions and see guidelines here.
was founded in 1981. The format is a twice-yearly (April and October) paperback book each of which carries a double number. There are reading windows for each issue, in March and September where work is considered for the following October and April issues respectively, responses are usually given within 3 months. Shearsman has a clear inclination towards the more exploratory end of the current spectrum, however, quality work of a more conservative kind will always be considered seriously. Submissions can be made by mail, PDF attachments (but no other types of attachment) in an email, or by upload through the Shearsman Books website here.
Shooter –
is a literary magazine featuring entertaining, well-crafted stories and poetry from up-and-coming writers, showcasing original artwork on the cover of each issue. When you subscribe to Shooter, you support writers and artists at the outset of their careers: a crucial time when recognition can make a huge difference. Shooter publishes themed print issues twice a year, and runs competitions for short fiction during spring/summer and poetry during autumn/winter, see guidelines here.
is an online journal founded in 2020. They publish essays, non-fiction, poetry, short fiction, visual art, audio and interviews. They are physically headquartered in London, but aim to bring together the thoughts, images, works of art, and words of living artists, thinkers and makers from all continents. See submissions guidelines here.
Sideways –
is a UK-based online poetry magazine. Each issue features diverse poets from all over the world. Their goal is to reach people who may not read poetry, and introduce this wonderful art form into their lives. They especially encourage poems from those who are yet to be published. Find out more about submissions here.
It is time for poetry to enter the post-internet age, and SPAM zine wishes to take upon its shoulder the weight of this herculean enterprise. Find out more here.
is a nonprofit quarterly literary and art magazine which celebrates and offers a platform to artists, dramatists and poets, as well as writers of fiction and nonfiction. Spellbinder was founded in 2020 by a group of students who were based in Durham, England, at the time, and who had first met at the Durham University Creative Writing Society. See their submission guidelines here.
publishes fiction and poetry. Established in 1952 by Jon Silkin. Has editorial offices at Leeds University and Virginia Commonwealth University in the USA. They are open for submissions see here.
publish jarring new fiction written to suit the twitter format. That means chunks. Little chunks of prose that will appear at designated times on Twitter. These chunks will function on their own as well as in the context of their parent text, like the components of a collage. Or like the bullets in a list of bullet points. Like each piece of dialogue in a conversation. Like different flavours of ice cream in a sundae. They are currently closed for submissions, but see their guidelines here.
is an internationally recognised independent literary journal established in November 1984. Their bi-annual publication includes poetry, prose poetry, translations, fiction, flash fiction, non-fiction, reviews and essays by established writers from around the world. They embrace neo-Romantic, modernist and post-modernist developments in British and American poetry and have been an outlet for prominent poets associated with the British Poetry Revival as well as later generations of British, black and Asian poets. See more here.
is interested in visual and/or procedurally generated poetry. They’re always open for submissions to our Trickhouse Film film-poetry series and accept finished and part-finished films as well as pitches, find out more and submit at the bottom of this page.
is a magazine of new contemporary writing and is published three times a year by Nine Arches Press. We welcome submissions of new poetry and short fiction to Under the Radar. See more here.
is a home to many writers from the university and influential voices of the future century, accepting art / poetry / fiction / essay up to a maximum of 4000 words [email protected]
is a prize-winning Birmingham based publisher dedicated to promoting and showcasing Birmingham and Midlands poetic talent in colourful and exciting ways. See their guidelines and submission windows here.
V. Press –
Shortlisted in the Michael Marks Publishers’ Award 2017, V. Press is an independent publisher of poetry and flash fiction. To learn more about their future submission periods click here.
Wasafiri –
has published the very best works of and on international contemporary writing and culture, placing critics alongside leading novelists, poets, and playwrights, to generate exciting cross-genre and inter-regional conversations. They welcome innovative creative and critical writing that, in form, focus, or theme, seeks to expand the boundaries of global literary culture. They are currently closed for poetry submissions, see when their next submission window is here.
is a London-based biannual literary anthology of poetry and prose run by the University of Westminster’s Creative Writing: Writing the City MA students. Founded in 2014, it was aptly named after the street in which the department of English, Linguistics and Cultural studies was hosted. See updates here.
Beautifully curated print journal founded by Patrick Romero McCafferty featuring poetry, essays, criticism and hanfd printed covers. Follow them to stay in touch here.
Wildness –
was founded in 2015, is edited by Michelle and Peter. The journal has featured work from Ruth Awad, Zeina Hashem Beck, Chen Chen, Bhanu Kapil, Salena Godden, Carl Phillips, Mary Ruefle, Richard Siken, Clint Smith, Brandon Taylor, among others. They are currently open for submissions, see here.
is a London based, brand new independent press founded by Christian Patracchini. The catalogue consists of poetry, experimental writing, art, sound, performance art and essays and is dedicated to work of interdisciplinary reach, inquiring critically but especially creatively into ideas. They’re not currently open for submissions, but follow their news page here.
ZimZalla –
is a publishing project releasing literary objects and administered by Tom Jenks. More info here.
an online magazine accepting submissions and pitches for pieces of fiction, poetry, essays and reviews. They are currently closed for submissions but keep up to date here.
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